The city of Barga has many itineraries and excursions that you can choose from. Barga offers visitors many options, whether you prefer to discover the historic center, or immerse yourself in the nature of our Apennines or visit the hamlets.

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Other trails in Garfagnana and Media Valle.

The Paths of the Moro del Sillico.

Seven circular itineraries that start from the medieval village of Sillico, located at 700 meters above sea level, in a splendid panoramic position over the valley and the Apuan Alps. Easy walks or more challenging itineraries that lead to the discovery of the landscape and history of the lands of the Moor, the famous bandit who raged in these woods when Ariosto became governor of the Garfagnana. enclave in Tuscany of the Estensi Dukes of Ferrara.

  • Sillico - Path of the Metati

White-blue trail sign n° 3

Leaving the village of Sillico, you will walk through the most evocative chestnut groves in the area, passing by some metati, buildings for drying chestnuts. Before returning, a short variant can lead to the banks of the Sillico stream near an ancient mill.

Recommended period: path that can be followed all year round, except for heavy snow. The best period is the one that goes from early spring to late autumn.

  • Sillico - Path of the Rogations.

White-blue signpost n° 1

From the village of Sillico, walking among the cultivated fields, you reach a station of the Rogations. The religious rite with which God was asked for help to protect the crops. From the Rogations of Valdogneta in a short time you return to terraced vineyards and chestnut groves.

Recommended period: path that can be followed all year round, except for heavy snow. The best period is the one that goes from early spring to late autumn.

The most known.

Short-term itineraries and moderate gradients suitable for everyone, however, require clothing and footwear suitable for hiking. In winter, the routes at high altitudes can be covered with snow or ice.

  • Campocatino – Eremo di San Viano

Campocatino, at the foot of the imposing rocky wall of Monte Roccandagia, is an ancient pastorian mountain pastures and one of the most popular places in the entire garfagnana. This easy walk follows the route of the procession that in June and in September brings the Blessed Viviano statue from the Hermitage to the small chapel built in the center of the Campocatino Conca. San Viano or Viviano lived in the hermitage built under a thrombating rocky wall fitting only wild cabbage that in abundance growing in every season. A saint never officially recognized to which the entire population of screens is extremely devoted, passing by protector of the shepherds, which one time numerous upon at the pawn of Campocatino, a protector of the cavers when, with the advent of the exception of marble, l The economy of this territory has changed. For those wishing to stretch the times of the route, a nice mule track trail Cai 177, starts from Vagli di Sopra and reaches Campocatino. Average journey time 40 minutes.

The hermitage in the summer can be visited inside thanks to some volunteers who ensure its opening.

For info contact the "Il Rifugio" restaurant of Campocatino Cell. +39 347 4948453.

The path must be addressed very carefully in the stretch of mule track that descends to San Viano in case of rain or winter in the presence of snow or ice.

  • San Pellegrino in Alpe - The devil's tour.

From the square of San Pellegrino in Alpe, (1524 m. Above sea level) squeezed between the walls of the houses, the mule track (CAI trail no. 50) branches off and in about 40 'reaches the "tour" near the Alpe. the place where the San Pellegrino village resisted the temptations of the devil, and where pilgrims go up every year as a sign of devotion and penance. From here the view is exceptional!

The return path touches the "Fonte del Santo", built on the source where he used to quench his thirst. In winter, the path can be covered with snowshoes on fresh snow or with crampons and ice axes in case of frozen snow.

  • Castelnuovo di Garfagnana - Ariosto's Path.

Dedicated to the poet Ludovico Ariosto who stayed in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, from 1522 to 1525. as a Ducal Commissioner with duties of Governor of the Garfagnana on behalf of the Dukes of Este.
The trail is an easy circular hiking trail that from Rocca Ariostesca follows via Farini and arrives at the bridge over the Turrite Secca, where the white-red trail markers and the signs begin here. Once in Carbonaia, a beautiful cart track leads to the village of Torrite (where archaeological excavations of ancient baths deserve a short detour).
The path begins the ascent of the hill, meets the rural houses of Pasquigliora and continues in the woods reaching Mont'Alfonso at the southern gate. This access to the fortress is generally closed and to reach the main entrance the signposts follow the ramparts to the left up to the north gate.
After visiting the fortified complex, the ancient access road to the fortress resumes until you come to a "Maestaina" (rural chapel and place of prayer for travelers) from which you will soon reach Castelnuovo from via Debbia.
Of course, the route can also be followed in the opposite direction by following the ring counterclockwise.

  • Careggine - Nardini Path.

From the Porta al Colle car park in the village of Careggine, (882 m asl), take the dirt road that descends to Bosa, the Naturalistic Agricultural Center of the Apuan Alps Park, where an easy path climbs through terraces until you reach the farm road that reaches Colle di Monti, a splendid panoramic point of the Apuan Alps and the Apennines, where the big yellow bench (Big Bench) has been placed which makes us all feel like children again. The ring closes following the farm road again to the parking lot.

  • Piazza al Serchio – La via dei Piastroni.

From the small village of Cortia, Luca Malatesta has placed 8 sculptures in pietra serena. that mark the ancient connection route between Nicciano and Napoli. The Via dei Piastoni is part of a beautiful daily trekking route that from San Michele di Piazza al Serchio climbs to Varliano, marked GT, and descends back to San Michele along the itinerary of the Via del Volto Santo, blue VS marked.

  • Gallicano - Path of the hermitage of Calomini.

Yellow signpost.

From the town square of Gallicano, after passing the arch of the Nottolini aqueduct and bypassing the tunnel, the path follows the orographic right of the Turrite torrent flat, touching the locality of Campilato, to reach the crossroads of the Crocette. Follow the paved road for a short distance towards Verni to then take the dirt road that descends to the fish farm and to the Panicaglia area. The path now crosses a beautiful chestnut wood and crosses the stream with a stone bridge in the saddle of a donkey. Follow a stretch of paved road until you reach the start of the old mule track that climbs steeply to the Calomini hermitage. The return to Gallicano touches the locality of Rio Folle and the district of Sant’Andrea.

Easy trails in the Orecchiella Park.

Six easy ring walks designed for families and each marked with a different color.

  • Pania di Corfino ring
  • The path of the Patatai and the Bosco di Pruno
  • The Ripa path
  • Around the Monte Orecchiella
  • On the trail of the wolf ...
  • Peat bog of Lamarossa